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Dear friend,

Our work towards developing an open and transparent integrated modeling platform to appraise low-carbon transition pathways in the European energy system does not stop! Despite the occurrence of the COVID-19 pandemic, we are continuing our work and adapting it to deliver optimal results. Today, we are glad to present the outcomes of these efforts to you!
With the arrival of the coronavirus pandemic, the productive activities of the world were reduced. This caused a reduction in emissions of CO2 but left different regions under a recession. To face such a challenge, the European Parliament called for a recovery plan with a strong emphasis on the Green Deal. For this purpose, the European Commission proposed a budget of €750 billion for a recovery plan. This plan still needs to be approved by the member states of the Parliament. Nevertheless, it aims to support the goals of the Green Deal, especially by creating a greener, more inclusive, and more digital Europe. At the same time, it is expected that it improves the response capacity of Europe towards future crises, taking into consideration environmental concerns.
The tools that we have developed in openENTRANCE are able to enlighten the economic costs associated with the plans of the EU, especially regarding the different energy pathways that Europe could follow to achieve the expected climate goals of the Green Deal. We invite you to take a look at the activities of openENTRANCE that took place in 2020 to comply with this purpose.

Report D6.1
Report D3.1
Results of EMP-E
Report D5.2
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We hope you enjoyed reading about the milestones we have reached so far.   


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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 835896. The sole responsibility for the content of this newsletter lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union.