In this deliverable, we present updates of pan-European scenario results, together with selected highlights of European country-specific and region-specific scenario results, as well as consistent and coherent results on local community, neighbourhood and individual building level.
The scope of this deliverable includes two main aspects: First, the final openENTRANCE scenario model runs were performed both at the pan-European level and at the level of individual European countries. This was done after making selective improvements to the input data and refinements to the energy system model GENeSYS MOD, based on the findings from the results of the “draft” energy system decarbonization scenario results at the pan-European level (Deliverable D3.1).
Second, the development of consistent and coherent methods and algorithms to break down country-specific GENeSYS MOD modeling results across the different geographic aggregation levels to the smallest administrative unit level such as municipalities, districts, neighbourhoods, buildings, and finally to the individual end-user. To our knowledge, there has not yet been the ambition to conduct concrete energy system analyses to achieve specific climate goals across all levels of aggregation in a consistent and very concrete manner down to the individual end user. These kinds of “last mile” to end-user analyses, presented in Deliverable D3.2, are becoming increasingly important to get a sense of how to respond in very concrete ways to future climate challenges in practice.