Open ENTRANCE deliverable 5.4 – Illustrative case examples for the coordinated use of models

Task 5.3 is part of WP5 (“A suite of modeling tools”) and contributed to ensuring the functional characterization of models and model linkages, as well as to showing and providing proof of the coordinated use of the models. To this end, reduced case studies, so-called “case examples” were developed and tested. Model linking is carried out by exchange of input and output data of models. The data exchange is facilitated by the use of a common data format initially developed by the IAMC and a template (i.e., list of variables and regions) adopted from previous model comparison projects. In this report, we highlight the main features of the case examples and of the case example building process, with a particular focus on the model linking and the openENTRANCE variable template. We also report on the definitions of regions and variables in the IAMC/openENTRANCE template.

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Open ENTRANCE logo, on a background showing a coal power plant and some wind turbines.

Case study results

This report (Open ENTRANCE deliverable 6.2) presents results of the 8 case studies performed during the project, covering the main topics of the energy transition.