Scenarios and Transition Pathways

The future of European economic, social and climate development is open. However, the different political goals and socio-economic trends that favour a low-carbon future, allow us to make assumptions to foresee potential low carbon scenarios that Europe could reach in the next decades.

Read more about our scenarios.

openENTRANCE has developed complete and consistent scenarios for transitioning to low-carbon futures in open collaboration with stakeholders through workshops. The scenarios provide valuable insights about the future energy system based on present assumptions of opportunities and barriers to reach a low carbon Europe.

The scenarios are flexible, making it possible for users to adjust the input, as well as the energy system model, according to their own needs. This way, it is possible to conduct new scenario building exercises after the project’s conclusion using different assumptions (e.g. varying fuel prices) to the present ones.


openENTRANCE has developed energy transition pathways in relation to the reference scenarios, in order to provide strategic recommendations to policy-makers to reach a low carbon Europe. The pathways include specific technology choices and innovations, as well as socio-economic and other social and human aspects related to these.