“Macroeconomic perspectives of a low-carbon EU energy system” workshop on 11 October 2022

On 11 October, we held an online workshop presenting macroeconomic perspectives of a low-carbon energy system. The event was designed for policymakers and modellers who wish to know more about the economic implications of transitioning to a low-carbon energy system. Some of the topics touched were:

  • Effects of the decarbonization policies on the development of the EU economy: what are the possible developments of key macroeconomic indicators such as GDP and economic output per sector? What will be the impact on the demand and prices of commodities under the four low-emission scenarios examined by openENTRANCE?
  • Cross-model results comparison: Are the quantifications of the openENTRANCE scenarios coherent across different economic models? Where are the main differences and similarities?
  • Drivers and Barriers to decarbonization: Which aspects of the openENTRANCE scenarios impact more on the main economic indicators? What is the impact of taxes and subsidies to foster an effective decarbonization process?


  • 13:00 Welcome and workshop objectives – Dr. Petter Støa (SINTEF) and Prof. Dr. Pedro Crespo del Granado (NTNU)
    • The openENTRANCE project at a glance – Dr. Ingeborg Graabak (SINTEF)
    • The openENTRANCE scenarios: What policies, societal attitudes, and technology developments will realise the EU Green Deal? – Prof. Dr. Pedro Crespo del Granado (NTNU)
  • 13:20 The macroeconomic impact of policy measures, technological progress and societal attitudes in energy transition scenarios – Dr. Hettie Boonman
  • 14:00 Linking a macroeconomic CGE model and an energy system model for the analysis of techno-economic aspects of decarbonisation scenarios – Dr. Paolo Pisciella, (NTNU)
  • 14:25 Break
  • 14:40 Recent GEM-E3 advances in macroeconomic analyses of the energy transition – Leonidas Paroussos (E3M)
  • 15:00 Panel discussion – Dr. Paolo Pisciella (NTNU), Dr. Hettie Boonman, Dr. Frederic Reynes
  • 15:30 Break
  • 15:40 The openENTRANCE platform
  • 16:00 Closing remarks


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Open ENTRANCE logo, on a background showing a coal power plant and some wind turbines.

Case study results

This report (Open ENTRANCE deliverable 6.2) presents results of the 8 case studies performed during the project, covering the main topics of the energy transition.