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Open ENTRANCE Synthesis and recommendations

The EU has ambition to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to the point of becoming climate neutral by 2050. Preventing the negative and irreversible effects of climate change is challenging and could be implemented in many ways. It will require technological, behavioural, and organisational changes in the economy and society and numerous decisions are needed to guide the transformation. Understanding the connection between decision and impact will be imperative in this process. The ambition of Open ENTRANCE is to provide new knowledge and methodologies that lead to informed science-based input to those decisions. The H2020 project Open ENTRANCE (open ENergy TRansition

Open ENTRANCE logo, on a background showing a coal power plant and some wind turbines.

Case study results

This report (Open ENTRANCE deliverable 6.2) presents results of the 8 case studies performed during the project, covering the main topics of the energy transition.

Results presented at the final conference

The final conference presented results from analyses, and The Open energy system Platform were presented. The aim of openENTRANCE has been to develop, apply and disseminate an open and transparent energy system modelling platform, designed to analyse low emission pathways for the European energy system.

Illustration including a justice scale and some books.

Exploitation and IPR management strategy – final version

Open ENTRANCE was a 4-year H2020 project (2019 -2023). Open ENTRANCE developed, applied and disseminated an open, transparent and integrated modelling platform designed to assess low-carbon transition pathways in Europe. The platform is populated with a suite of open state-of-the-art models that process data derived from multiple dimensions of the energy transition. Data is also made open available via the platform according to the FAIR principles. This report (Open ENTRANCE deliverable 8.2) describes the Exploitation and IPR (Intellectual Property Rights) management plan for Open ENTRANCE. There are different results from Open ENTRANCE: an open modelling platform, open models, linked models,

Tree in a meadow.

Platform Innovation Recommendation

This document (Open ENTRANCE deliverable 4.5) suggests innovation recommendations for the continued development of the Open Platform, developed as part of the Open ENTRANCE project. Section 1 provides an overview of new developments implemented in the modeling platform over the course of the project. Section 2 collects ideas and feature requests that arose over the course of the Open ENTRANCE project but which could not be implemented within this project. This document can therefore serve as input to other, ongoing Horizon projects like the European Climate and Energy Modeling Forum (ECEMF) or PRISMA. The ideas and feature requests presented in